USCMS Researcher: Oz Amram

Postdoc dates: Sep 2022 - Sep 2024

Home Institution: Fermilab

Project: AI Denoising to Accelerate Detector Simulation

Develop fast and accurate simulation of highly granular calorimeters using machine learning models. Use a 'denoising' approach to upscale existing physics-based fast simulation to achieve better quality at similar speeds.

More information: My project proposal

  • Kevin Pedro (Fermilab)

Current Status

2024 Q2

  • Progress
    • Completed full data pipeline for training on CMS HGCal simulation.
    • Trained first models to reproduce single photon HGCalEE showers in a limited energy range at fixed rapidity and angle. Captured basic structure of the shower but modeling of some features can be improved
    • Developed first version of the model which uses existing fastsim as an input to reduce number of diffusion steps needed for high quality generation by using conditional distillation technique
  • Next steps
    • Generate a larger set of CMS HGCal simulations covering a larger phase space. Use these simulations to train the model at a larger scale.
    • Improve the modeling of some HGCal shower features (energy per layer, radial spread of the shower, occupancy)
    • Develop testing suite to quantitatively validate performance of trained model
    • Further optimize usage of existing fast sim input to improve speedup gains

2024 Q1

  • Progress
    • Began development of pipeline for training on CMS HGCal simulation, including handling complicated geometry.
    • Began development of hybrid model which incorporates existing fast simulation to reduce time needed for generation of high quality showers
  • Next steps
    • Complete HGCal simulation pipeline, train first models.
    • Complete developement of hybrid model. Test speed up gains from its usage

2023 and prior

  • Progress
    • Have successfully developed denoising diffusion model for calorimeter simulation that achieves state of the art results on public datasets.
    • Paper published in Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023)
  • Next steps
    • Next steps are to explore different methods of improving the generation speed, including diffusing from existing fast simulation rather than pure noise.
    • Following this, we will apply the model to simulate the current CMS calorimeter and eventually the HGCal design.

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