USCMS Researcher: Jan-Frederik Schulte

Postdoc dates: Jan 2021 - Jan 2022
Home Institution: Purdue University
Project: Accelerating muon reconstruction in the CMS HLT using GPUs
The signifcant increase in instantaneous luminosity that will be achieved at the HL-LHC pose the challenge of implementing high-level trigger (HLT) reconstruction algorithms that can deliver physics performance as good, or even better, than the ones currently in use despite limited computing resources. The move to highly optimized reconstruction algorithms making use of infrastructure suitable to parallelized computing, such as GPUs, is crucial to meeting this goal. This project aims at implementing novel, GPU-accelerated, reconstruction aglorithms for muons in the CMS HLT. In a first step, the reconstruction of muon tracks within the muon system is targeted. These will be interfaced with the results of other, both existing and planned, GPU-based reconstruction algorithms that reconstruct tracks within the silicon tracker, to obtain a measurement of the full muon trajectory thorugh the CMS detector.More information: My project proposal
Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University)
Current Status
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